Adoption Fees for Shelter Dogs Paid by Chiefs Player in Celebration of Super Bowl Win
0 Comments Jun 11, 2020Derrick Nnadi celebrated his team's Super Bowl win by giving residents a chance to adopt a furry loved one for free
Adoption Fees for Shelter Dogs Paid by Chiefs Player in Celebration of Super Bowl Win
In the wake of his Super Bowl win, Derrick Nnadi is helping homeless dogs find new homes...
Half the Worlds Fish Stocks Are Recovered in the Oceans That Used to Be Overfished, According to Scientists
0 Comments Apr 22, 2020We've been reading so many good news about critically-endangered species making its comeback after human intervention.
Half the World's Fish Stocks Are Recovered in the Oceans That Used to Be Overfished, According to Scientists
We've been reading so many good news of GNN reports ab...
Traditional Aboriginal methods of 60,000 years by Ngangkai healers make headway in medical clinics
0 Comments Feb 04, 2020Ngangkai healers made its way to hospitals and rural clinics
Traditional Aboriginal methods of 60,000 years by Ngangkai healers make headway in medical clinics
Nangkai healers and their 60,000-year-old tradition have made its way to South Australia's Royal Adelaide Hospital and rur...
Ever Wonder Why Aesha Ash is Wandering Around Inner City Rochester in a Tutu?
0 Comments Jan 30, 2020Aesha Ash brings ballet in Rochester
Ever Wonder Why Aesha Ash is Wandering Around Inner City Rochester in a Tutu?
Aesha Ash was just one of the neighborhood kids who grew up in the inner city of Rochester. She remembered people driving by, judging her by her black skin.
A Bamboo Tower can Produce Up To 25 Gallons of Water In A Day by Capturing Condensation
0 Comments Jan 29, 2020Water scarcity urged people in Ethiopia to invent Bamboo Tower
A Bamboo Tower can Produce Up To 25 Gallons of Water In A Day by Capturing Condensation
The scarcity of fresh water has urged humans to explore new and innovative techniques.
In regions where water is limited, peop...
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