Matthew McConaughey Spends His Birthday Delivering 4,500 Turkeys. Matthew McConaughey Celebrates His 48th Birthday by Handing Out 4,500 Turkeys, Awesome! How would you celebrate your birthday if you are a famous Hollywood star like Matthew McConaughey? A lot of us may think, he's out eating in... READ MORE
Rebeca hugs Simeon Fahn on the way to the LCRP sanctuary. An Orphaned Chimp Hugs Rescuer All The Way To Her New Sanctuary (Super Sweet!) When an infant chimpanzee had a chance to go somewhere safe, officials from wildlife conservation did everything they could to make sure that the little one woul... READ MORE
Adorable friendship imaginable. Heartwarming Story Of An Abused Dog And A Baby Boy It is always good to adopt shelter dogs rather than buy from puppy mills, but sometimes these animals come with unique adjustment challenges. Some shelter animals were abused, resulting in traumatic experiences for... READ MORE
Baby girl accidentally doing a cartwheel. Parents Posting Their Most Epic Fails. It's Funny We all know that being a parent is not an easy task. Parents should be the best examples for their kids, but sometimes there are moments when that doesn't happen the way we thought it would. There... READ MORE