This Amazing Sweet 10-Year Old Girl Lets her Rapunzel-Like Hair Cut for the best reason ever

0 Comments 12.Sep.2017 Post by: admin

10-year old Katie Nicholson

This Amazing Sweet 10-Year Old Girl Lets Her Rapunzel-Like Hair Cut For The Best Reason Ever

A lot of little girls want long, beautiful hair. But this 10-year old girl with a rapunzel-like long hair from the UK did it the other way around. She cut her long hair as a way of helping kids who are coping with childhood illnesses.

This tiny 10-year-old has a huge heart and is amazing at her young age; she is already trying to make a difference by doing charitable acts of kindness and showing compassion towards others!

Katie decided to cut her hair so she could raise money for charity.

Katie, with her mom's permission,  decided to cut her hair so she could raise money for charity. Her mom, who wrote a blog on Katie's Just Giving page.  It says: "After a discussion about kids who are fighting so many battles that we can't possibly imagine, she got quite upset and wondered what she could do to help.

She's thought to herself " I am not a doctor, I am not wealthy, but I do have something to give that might make a sick little girl or boy feel a bit better about themselves while they fight to get well again: her beautiful hair."

Katie's inspirational story flooded donations, and she was able to raise £795 ($1,135 USD) for Little Princess Trust

Katie's inspirational story flooded donations, and she was able to raise £795 ($1,135 USD) for Little Princess Trust, her chosen charity that provides wigs to children suffering from hair loss.

Little Princess Trust

As for Katie, she doesn't mind having a short hair; in fact, she really loved her new hairstyle. According to her mom: "She was a little bit nervous but relaxed and got excited once they started cutting. She was as high as a kite and so pleased that she went through with it." Many youngsters with such long, healthy hair might be afraid to cut so much of it off all in one go, but little Katie didn't mind."

You have such a beautiful heart, Katie! And thanks Justine for raising such a wonderful daughter. Way to go!

For more information about Katie's act of charity, please visit Just Giving page or head over to the Little Princess Trust.

“ Every good act is charity. A man's true wealth hereafter is the good that he does in this world to his fellows. ”

- Moliere

Tags: Hair cut rapunzel-like charity Little Princess Trust Katie Nicholson Just Give Page 10-year old Justine Nicholson