Rare Gift: Raccoon from Russia with a Calming Effect to Sick Dogs

0 Comments 20.May.2018 Post by: admin

Yasha, the raccoon.

Rare Gift: Raccoon from Russia with a Calming Effect to Sick Dogs

Every patient whether at the hospital, clinic or rehabilitation center needs to be attended by doctors and other health workers. But sometimes, they need an assistant who can help them do their work more efficiently. 

A veterinarian named Aleksei Krotov from Rostov-on-Don, Russia has one unlikely assistant - a raccoon!

Dr. Aleksei and his adorable assistant Yasha.

Taking care of a raccoon has always been Krotov’s dream, so after he became a veterinarian, he decided to get one. And that is how Yasha came into his life.

Dr. Aleksei and his wife bought Yasha from horrible conditions where he was living in Krasnodar district and took him home.


Initially, he lived together with their family, but then they decided to move him to Aleksei’s clinic. That was when the doctor noticed Yasha's amazing ability to calm stressed and sick dogs that come into their clinic for treatment

Unlikely veterinarian’s assistant.

For this Yasha became a local celebrity and sometimes people come just to visit this adorable raccoon.

Healer to the sick animals.

Good job Yasha! Continue helping other animals who need care and attention.

“Each of us has a unique part to play in the healing of the world.”

- Marianne Williamson

Tags: Yasha the raccoon Dr. Aleksei Krotov calming effect to dogs sick dogs veterinary clinic assistant