Little Girl Empties Her Piggy Bank To Buy Milk For Her Classmate

0 Comments 12.Jan.2018 Post by: admin

Sunshine Oelfke, a 5 years old kindergarten.

Little Girl Empties Her Piggy Bank To Buy Milk For Her Classmate

A 5-year-old girl started saving money in a piggy bank for a snowmobile. But, she spent her savings for a touching act of kindness. The little girl didn’t hesitate to give it all away when she realized someone else needed the money more than she did.

Sunshine’s piggy bank.

This past October, grandma Jackie Oelfke noticed her 5-year-old granddaughter, Sunshine Oelfke, emptying her piggy bank and was staggered when she found out what she planned to do with her money. “She said she was taking it to school for milk,” Jackie said. “I explained that I had already paid for her milk for the month, then she looked at me and said, “My friend’s mom doesn’t have milk money, and I do.”

Sunshine is enjoying her milk.

The next morning, Jackie took her granddaughter to school and showed the teacher, Rita Hausher, what Sunshine had brought into school. “I have always felt sad when I have had to tell a student, ‘no,’ when they ask if they can have milk,” said Hausher, who has paid the cost of milk for students that couldn’t afford it in the past.

Grandmom Jackie posted Sunshine’s kindness on Facebook.

“I am taking milk money to the school for my friend, because my friend wants milk, and I want my friend to get milk, too,” Sunshine explained. “We like chocolate milk — together.” Since Sunshine’s impressive act of kindness, she started a GoFundMe account to raise money to pay for milk for her entire class for the second semester. In just a month, she’s raised over $13,500 - WOW!

Grandmom Jackie and Sunshine.

“The money will stay with Sunshine as she progresses grades to make sure her friends get milk, no matter where she is,” Jackie explained. “Thanks to Sunshine’s remarkable act of kindness for one student, it has grown so much that it now includes everyone, which makes my heart happy,” Hausher added.

Can you believe what this little girl did with all of her savings? Even a small child can make a big difference! Good Job Sunshine.

“Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”

- Desmond Tutu

Tags: Grandma Jackie Oelfke 5 years old girl Sunshine Oelfke piggy bank buys milk for classmate school teacher Rita Hausher