Instead Of Carbon Dioxide, This Hydrogen-Powered Car Emits Water

0 Comments 23.Nov.2019 Post by: admin

Rasa, a Hydrogen-Powered Car  Emits Water.

Instead Of Carbon Dioxide, This  Hydrogen-Powered Car  Emits Water

Back in 1980, fuel-cells had to be physically shrunk to fit into a typical car, not the back of a van. They also have to be made affordable and available nationwide. It’s been a long road for fuel cell cars to get to where they are now, a possible option. All of these impediments have been subdued, and yet,  fuel cell cars still have not been mass utilized.

Spowers was firm to find a radical solution to the problems correlated with carbon emissions. 

Why? because they are not found to be efficient. It costs a lot to produce gas, compress it and then transport it. Though, there is a very the economical fuel car invented with a more efficient hydrogen distribution system called Rasa. The vehicle and the system around it are both parts of a grand plan by the company Riversimple. It was founded by Hugo Spowers, a former motorcar racer and mechanical engineer of race cars.

Spowers stopped working with internal combustion engines 15 years ago when he had the idea of building a hydrogen-powered vehicle. He was firm to find a radical solution to the problems correlated with carbon emissions. So he hand-built an aerodynamic car which weighs only 580 kilos, 40 kilos more than the battery of a Tesla Model S car.

It uses less energy and makes for more economical filling stations, hence a more economical system.

In terms of engineering and sophistication, Rasa is unique. The car has a motor in each of its four wheels, which provide drive and braking. The electrical energy powers the motors while emitting only water.  It can drive about 300 miles on a tank of just 1.5kg of hydrogen. The best part is, the hydrogen is reduced to 350bar, not the 700bar the industry majors use. It uses less energy and makes for more economical filling stations, hence a more economical system.

Spowers gave up being a racecar driver because he aspires to save the world. Everything in the Riversimple’s business plan follows to that aim. Spowers has to replace everything about the traditional system, and an incremental change wouldn’t do.

Everything points to a car that pollutes less and exhausts fewer resources.

The company will never sell a car. Riversimple’s drivers will pay a monthly rental fee, to include reduction, maintenance, and fuel. Done this way, said Spowers, everything points to a car that pollutes less and exhausts fewer resources.

His next step is to build charging stations for users. Hydrogen cars can work alongside battery-powered electric vehicles in the future – a sustainable, greener world to come – to reduce CO2 emissions worldwide.

“Sooner or later, we will have to recognise that the Earth has rights, too, to live without pollution. What mankind must know is that human beings cannot live without Mother Earth, but the planet can live without humans.”

-   Evo Morales

Tags: Hydrogen-Powered Car Rasa fuel cell cars Hugo Spowers Riversimple Tesla Model S car