Caring Bus Driver Crochets Toys For Her Little Passengers

0 Comments 16.Jan.2018 Post by: admin

Crochet toys

Caring Bus Driver Crochets Toys For Her Little Passengers

Kindness is a gift a person can give to a family member, friends or random people they come into contact. And when you do, you'll see happiness in their faces, especially with the kids. Those sweet and innocent smiles can make your heart melt. Just like this woman did from Wisconsin.

Trudy Serres, the Waukesha bus driver who crochets toys for kids.

Trudy Serres is a school bus driver for elementary kids. Aside from driving, she also does crochets which she started four years ago. Starting with a basic single stitch, she worked her way up to using patterns for her creations, and by watching YouTube videos, she honed her skills.

Most of the time, Trudy would crochet while she is waiting for kids to board her bus. When the kids on her route noticed her hobby, they became curious and started to ask what she was making. Soon after, she started getting requests.

Trudy make the toys during her free time.

“One boy asked if I could make a taco,” Serres narrated. “I said, ‘I’m sure I could.’ And I did. I gave it to him and he showed every student on the bus what I made. And that’s how it all started. Some of the kids wanted to know if I would make them one, and so I asked what they all wanted. It took me about three months to make about 34 items.”

For the next three months, Trudy personally crocheted individual stuffed animals for 34 of the kids who rode her bus. Some of the items included a panda bear, a double-scoop ice cream cone, and even Darth Vader.

The kids are enjoying their personalized crochet toys.

Serres said that she wasn't paid by the school for making the crochets toys for the children — all materials were paid for out of her own pocket, and she gave her time for free.

Indeed, her crocheted gifts were a huge hit with the kids. As she finishes each one of it, she would bring it on the bus and give it to the student it was made for — who in turn would inevitably cherish it.

Double scooped ice cream

“The best part of doing it is seeing the toys being played with and hearing the stories about them having to go to bed with the toy, wanting to take them to church or vacations, and returning the next day on the bus with their toy to show them to friends and teachers,” Serres said.

She made 34 toys for the 34 elementary kids.

In a world where so many kids are dealing with hard situations at home, it’s comforting to know that people like Serres are willing to give a little extra to make sure our little ones have something bright to look forward too. Good job!

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”

- Aesop

Tags: Crochet toys Trudy Serres children school bus driver elementary kids