Bridal Party Advocates Shelter Animal Adoption by Exchanging Bouquets for Sweet Puppies

0 Comments 02.Dec.2019 Post by: admin

Bridesmaids hold puppies instead of bouquets.

Bridal Party Advocates Shelter Animal Adoption by Exchanging Bouquets for Sweet Puppies

In Andee and Tina Krasinski’s wedding, their bridesmaids are gently holding ten rescue dogs instead of fluffy accessories. The couple has a huge passion for animals in need, and they want to bring awareness to others.

Adopt, Don’t Shop movement.

The couple decided to have a group of five-week-old puppies to be included in their ceremony and reception to participate with the "Adopt, Don’t Shop movement." This movement encourages people to adopt and rescue animals instead of buying a pet from a store.

From what Andee said that she contacted multiple shelters, and Nate’s Honor Rescue got back to her and said: "‘Absolutely." It just so happens that there was a pregnant mom at Georgia shelter and seven days away into being in foster care. The dog gave birth to 10 puppies, and since they have ten bridesmaids, they thought that it's perfect, and they had to do it.

Their guests also had time to bond with the puppies.

To relax the puppies she gave them a playpen when they weren’t starring the wedding ceremony, Andee also brought their mother together with volunteers from Nate’s Honor. Their guests also had time to bond with the puppies.

According to Andee, all the bridal party wanted to be holding one at all times because of puppies cuteness, and they were very well-behaved.

She also added that even if the puppies weren’t potty-trained yet, they mostly avoided creating a mess. Still, there was a little exception when they had one mishap on one of their bridesmaids got peed on, and the culprit just so happened the puppy that Andee and Tina are going to adopt.

Their 3-year-old daughter get to adopt one dog.

Their 3-year-old daughter also looked at one of the ten puppies and saw the one with blue eyes and told her parents that she wants it, Andee mentioned. Their hearts were touched when Carter said that the puppy has the same eye color as Tina, and they gladly told her that he is yours.

Since Carter and her parents are a massive fan of Taylor Swift, she named the puppy Swift. Andee also expressed that she and her family have a room in their heart and home, and it's an excellent way to remember their wedding by bringing one of the puppies into their lives. Swift will join Andee and Tina's other pets — two dogs and two cats.

No puppies should go home with anybody if there's drinking or open bar at the reception or event

Because one of the policies of Nate’s Honor Rescue which is "No puppies should go home with anybody if there's drinking or open bar at the reception or event" guests were not permitted to adopt at the event. Still, guests were allowed to take adoption applications and submit the papers the next day or after thinking it over.

Lastly, Andee said that shelter animals are not the animals' people didn’t want because they are perfectly good and healthy animals. Their goal is to help shelter animals as far as they could reach.

“The earth is large enough to share, but mankind’s heart is not large enough to care.”

-    A.D Williams

Tags: bridal party Tina Krasinski Andee Krasinski shelter animal adoption puppies rescue dogs bridesmaids Adopt Don’t Shop movement