Baby Born With The Exact Same Birthday As His Father, His Grandfather Before Him

0 Comments 02.Nov.2017 Post by: admin

3 generations celebrating same birthday

Baby Born With The Exact Same Birthday As His Father, His Grandfather Before Him

While sharing a birthdate with another relative seems like a major coincidence, it's not actually all that rare.

In reality, In a room of 23 people, there's 50% chance that two people will have the same birthday. Keep adding to the room until it reaches 75 people; the probability leaps to 99.9%.

Jim Morrissette, (baby Beauden’s great grandfather) born July 1, 1931

This happened to Jordyn Eppard who was rushed to the hospital. She was pregnant, and her baby was supposed to be due at the end of July, but the baby was ready to come out. When she arrived at the hospital, she was informed that she would need an Emergency C section. The doctors were able to deliver the baby safely and complete the surgery despite the complications.

The baby was named Beauden Matthew James Eppard and weighed 8 pounds and 11 ounces. The family was stunned when they learned that the baby's birth was the third Eppard male in four generations to be born on that same day.

Beauden Matthew James Eppard born July 1, 2017

It turned out that, Beauden has the same birthday with his father and the same birthdate of his grandfather before him. Amazing!

His father, Connor James Eppard, was born on July 1, 1990, becoming the second Eppard in his family after his grandfather. Having him come on my birthday and my grandfather's birthday, it's a pretty amazing thing," Connor said.

Connor’s birthday, (Beauden’s father) was July 1, 1990.

On the other hand, James "Jim" Morrisette, 86-year-old great-grandfather, was born July 1, 1931. He and his wife heard hooting and hollering on the phone after learning the news of his great-grandson's birth. "I didn't cry this time," Jim said, noting he cried like a baby when his grandson Connor was born. "I was just joyous. It's all part of God's plan."

Mathematicians squeezed the numbers behind three family members in four generations having the same birthday, finding the feat may be quite common than some would believe.

The Eppard family

But still, Bearden's birthday is much rarer than that. The odds that Beauden would have the same birthday to both of his father and grandfather is astounding 33,374 to 1.

It's in our disposition to find patterns, but there's something about the story that you can't just shake it off - especially when you consider that Beauden was born two weeks earlier than planned. Whether you are spiritual or superstitious, the baby's birthday is a rare event in either sense.

“There are two great days in a person's life - the day we are born and the day we discover why.”

- William Barclay

Tags: Same birthday with father and great grandfather Jordyn Eppard Beauden Matthew James Eppard Connor Eppard James Morisette 3 generations