Attorney in Florida is a First Woman With Autism to Pass the Bar

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Haley Moses, First Woman With Autism to Pass the Bar

Attorney in Florida is a First Woman With Autism to Pass the Bar

Haley Moses, a 24-year-old, is the first autistic candidate to pass the Florida bar exam to adore the career of an attorney.

At three years of age, she had always been eager to lean on her non-verbal skills and could solve 100-piece jigsaw puzzles at just three years of age. She was diagnosed with autism when her parents realized her trouble with expressing herself in words despite being brilliant at no-verbal talents. After a year of diagnosis, Haley started speaking and was transferred to a mainstream classroom.

She has been conquering her one flaw with her numerous talents.

She even wrote her first book entitled “Middle School – The Stuff Nobody Tells You About It: A Teenage Girl With ASD Shares Her First Experiences.” This talented and high-spirited girl has also contributed writings for a book of essays, penned another book, delivered speeches, and created art pieces.

Because of her condition, she has become an advocate for people with autism. She has been conquering her one flaw with her numerous talents.

She graduated with flying colors and was successful in securing a job even before passing the bar.

Haley decided to pursue Law at the University of Miami with the faith that she could create real-life impact and difference by being a lawyer. After graduating from the University of Florida. She graduated with flying colors and was successful in securing a job even before passing the bar.

Nothing is impossible.

She aims at inspiring everyone on the spectrum with her success and wants to reinstate that “nothing is impossible.” She believes all her accomplishments will mean the most if she’s able to influence even the life of just one person on the path of hope and meaning.

“Courage is the most important of all the virtues because without courage, you can't practice any other virtue consistently.”

-   Maya Angelou

Tags: Haley Moses Autism Florida bar exam University of Miami law bar exam