A Very Touching Love Story of Storks Klepetan and Malena

0 Comments 03.May.2018 Post by: admin

Klepetan and Malena – Croatia's most Unusual Love Story

A Very Touching Love Story of Storks Klepetan and Malena

Storks Klepetan and Malena continues to melt people’s hearts because, for the 16th time, a devoted male stork named Klepetan flew thousands of kilometers back home to his injured female stork named Malena.

Klepetan & Malena

Malena was found severely injured and unable to fly by a widower named Stjepan Vokic more than twenty years ago. The female stork was badly hurt and has a slim chance of mingling with other birds. But because of Stjepan's love and devotion to animals, he adopted Malena and took care of her, and that led the two storks to meet and even fell in love. 

At first, it seemed that the two won't jive, because Malena was unable to migrate with her mate during summertime. But it looks like they are meant for each other, that's why their love persisted.

Stjepan gave Malena a second chance at life by taking care of her.

Birds needed to migrate to other places, that's why Klepetan had to leave Malena to Stjepan's care to migrate to South Africa, but the good thing was he never fails to fly back home every year especially at the beginning of spring. 

Klepetan and Malena with their babies.

Klepetan and Malena with their babies.

True love knows no distance.

Hope this story will bring inspiration to the people around the world that distance is not a hindrance for two lovebirds. What a touching story indeed!

“I believe in the immeasurable power of love; that true love can endure any circumstance and reach across any distance.”

- Steve Maraboli

Tags: Storks true love Klepetan and Malena fly thousands of miles handicapped partner