A Selfless Guy Who Is Helping a Homeless Man To Have a New Life

0 Comments 11.Sep.2017 Post by: admin

The homeless man whom Adam August is helping

A Selfless Guy Who Is Helping a Homeless Man To Have a New Life

We meet different kinds of people along the road of life. And sometimes one of those people, will either make you a better person or have the opposite effect.

Meet Adam August. A selfless man who made an enormous impact on Tarec Atkinson, a 37-year old Jamaican who transferred to the US to seek for a better life, but became homeless.

Adam would always see Tarec at a nearby Starbucks in San Francisco when he would go for his daily coffee. And every time he saw him, he wanted to invite him to go to lunch with him. This idea came to him over and over again everytime he waited in line to be served. Then one day, with enough courage, Adam decided that today was the day and he invited Tarec for lunch.

Adam August and Tarec Atkinson

Adam then took an interest in Tarec, that how could an able body person, could be homeless in today's society when he was willing to work but never had the opportunity.

According to Adam, "When Tarec was a kid, he dreamt of being a famous futbol (soccer) player. He was recruited to play in school but lost the opportunity because of some trouble he got in as a teenager," August wrote. "He moved to the states eight years ago and had spent the last 12 months living in a tent by the side of the freeway. Tarec goes days without eating, sometimes living off of the berries he picks, he spends 90% of his time alone and has no friends and no family in the United States."

Adam August: The love and concern that strangers have shown a man they’ll probably never meet is beyond words

Adam was touched with Tarec's story, and he thought of ways to help him -- Adam figured the first logical step is to get Tarec a job. Helping him to find a job surely would solve all his problems. But he needed to do first things first -- Tarec needs to do some makeovers: new hair, and decent clothes for him to apply to potential companies that were looking to hire.

Adam suddenly noticed the obvious to Tarec: "Because of all these hardships, trying to get a job is impossible," August wrote. "How can you fill out an application when you haven't eaten in days? I told Tarec that I would drive around with him next week and help him fill out applications and even speak on his behalf to help him land a job so he can get back on his feet."

The two spent the next two days traveling around town seeing which retailers were hiring, and they were able to visit more than a half dozen stores.

Tarec landed an interview at a local grocery store, Safeway

Adam was determined in helping Tarec land a job. "I would walk in with him, so he knew he wasn't alone. It can be overwhelming to walk into a business and ask for a job. I was very proud of him. We had a few positive responses, but the majority of businesses told us that applications were submitted online.

But most of the applications needed to be done online, so the two visited a library to work on the online applications. Since Tarec was not good on computers, Adam quickly showed him the ropes in submitting an online resume.

The library paid off Adam got a call back for Tarec with a potential employer working a grocery store. In fact, their work paid off as Tarec landed an interview at a local grocery store, Safeway.

Tarec got the job!!!

August said that he was the one being nervous when he was driving on the way to Tarec's interview. Adam said, "I remember driving to Safeway being nervous. I looked over to Tarec and asked how he was feeling. He looked back at me and said 'I got this.' I believed him."

After 30 minutes inside, Tarec got the job!!! Adam was excited with the good news. Mission accomplished for the two new friends. Adam's hope in sharing his story is to inspire others to spread LOVE. We all need help in one way or another. Sometimes all someone needs is a friend," August wrote.

What an inspiring story Adam! Thank you for sharing this amazing story and Look how one random act of kindness can change a person’s life forever!

“Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive.”

- Dalai Lama

Tags: Homeless Adam August