With the Help of a Stranger, Young Boy was Able to Buy a Gift for his Mom

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With the Help of a Stranger, Young Boy was Able to Buy a Gift for his Mom.

With the Help of a Stranger, Young Boy was Able to Buy a Gift for his Mom

Christmas season is a time of giving. It brings out the generosity in a lot of people. Most children wonder what gifts they will receive under the Christmas tree, but one particular boy isn't concerned about what he will receive, but what he could give to his mother.

Gabe has already discovered the joy there is to be found in giving rather than receiving.

Wise beyond his years, Gabe has already discovered the joy there is to be found in giving rather than receiving. He found a way to make the money to buy his mom a gift at Target while overhearing his mom, El Marie, that she needed something from the store. He made sure he will get it for her. His mother posted their unusual shopping trip to Target on Facebook and the story has quickly gone viral.

While doing their shopping on Christmas Eve, Gabe went off to run his special errand. As El Marie pulled up at a checkout lane, a stranger stopped her and said, “Your son is something special. He is an absolute angel.”

She noticed something strange around her

She noticed something strange around her, all of a sudden, Gabe came running up to her to tell his mom not to look because he is not through yet with his gift. El Marie is very confused at that time and she didn't know where Gabe got the money to pay for the gift. He asked his mom for the $20 he earned working at her job the previous week and she confusingly handed it to him. 

She met Gabe at the door and the young boy was holding a big wrapped up box.

She met Gabe at the door and the young boy was holding a big wrapped up box.  “Mom, I heard you say you wanted this, I hope you love it when you open it on Christmas”, he said.

El Marie was overcome with emotion upon knowing how Gabe was able to pay for his present amounting to $80: A very good lady next in line paid for the $60 and the employees helped him wrap the present. Gabe hugged and thanked the lady and even said ‘God bless you.'

On Christmas day, he filmed his mom opening up her special gift. 

On Christmas day, he filmed his mom opening up her special gift. She was in tears when she saw what's inside: a new winter coat.

El Marie is really thankful for her boy, the employees and especially the stranger who helped pay for the gift. She wanted to have her story shared in the hopes to reach strangers and be able to thank her personally for her kindness.

“Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference. They bless the one who receives them, and they bless you, the giver.”

- Barbara De Angelis

Tags: Gabe El Marie Target Christmas gift LaDonna Wattley With the Help of a Stranger