Trader Joe goes Eco-Friendly

0 Comments 28.Mar.2019 Post by: admin

Trader Joe goes Eco-Friendly

Trader Joe goes Eco-Friendly

A growing number of grocery stores are getting rid of single-use plastics to help minimize the number of synthetic materials that goes in landfills around the world.

Trader Joe's is one of the most recent business to ditch use of plastic in stores.

Trader Joe's is one of the most recent business to ditch use of plastic in stores. This move came about after a Greenpeace initiative that garnered close to 100,000 signatures. Trader Joe's vowed to use sustainable packaging in 2018. This will help decrease million pounds of waste that comes from single-use plastic bags. They also replaced traditional bags with biodegradable alternatives.

Better managing of environmental impact

According to Daniel, Trader Joe’s Kenya Friend, it is important for them to become a great neighborhood grocery store customers deserve. And that means better managing of environmental impact.

The first step in eliminating plastic waste is reducing reliance on single-use plastic that often ends in the ocean. With the growing number of companies like Trader Joe's that supports ditching single-use plastics for more eco-friendly options, we can only hope that other companies will follow their lead. 

Plastic waste has been a growing issue around the globe.

Plastic waste has been a growing issue around the globe. If we practice recycling efforts up to three quarters, then we could save around a billion gallons in oil production and free up some 44 million yards of landfill every year.

“We have a moral responsibility to protect the earth and ensure that our children and grandchildren have a healthy and sustainable environment in which to live.”

- Jim Clyburn

Tags: Trader Joe single-use plastics eco-friendly grocery store environment