Scientists Discovered That Dolphins Have Names For Each Other

0 Comments 21.Jun.2018 Post by: admin

Dolphins are so smart they call each other by name.

Scientists Discovered That Dolphins Have Names For Each Other

One of the most interesting animals found in our oceans are the dolphins.

Dolphins are highly intelligent marine mammals and are part of the family of toothed whales that includes orcas and pilot whales. They are found worldwide, mostly in shallow seas of the continental shelves, and are carnivores, mostly eating fish and squid. 

Audio experiments show that the dolphins each have their own whistle, and respond to hearing their distinct whistle by calling right back.

Known to be friendly, they also have close and complex social relationships and recently, scientists discovered that they have this fascinating behavior that shows similarity to humans.

Scientists from the Dolphin Alliance Project were listening to the particular whistles made by bottlenose dolphins in Shark Bay, Australia, when they started to notice a pattern.

The eye to eye connection with the dolphin never fails to amaze.

Scientists and researchers have been studying these dolphins for decades. They already knew that young male dolphins have a distinct whistle they use to introduce themselves to groups — and they believed that once the dolphins got older and bonded with a few other guy friends, this distinctive whistle that was the individual's name.

By using underwater microphones, scientists recorded their whistles, sorted them out and found something they didn't expect.

Even though the male bottlenose dolphins were adults, scientists could still hear the signature whistles of 17 individuals. So mostly the male dolphins — who incidentally have also been seen giving each other friendly slaps with their flippers, almost like high fives — were still using their individual names, even after they'd become part of a closely bonded social group.

Two young bottlenose dolphins coming by. 

Dolphins are also known to be chatty individuals in the animal kingdom just like elephants, certain kinds of parrots, bats and apes — it is normal to use a similar call to build friendships.

"With male bottlenose dolphins, precisely the opposite happens," Michael Krützen, a professor of anthropology and evolutionary biology at the University of Zurich, said in a release on the new findings. "Each male keeps his own, individual call, and distinguishes himself from his allies, even when they develop an incredibly strong bond." 

Lead author of the study, Dr. Stephanie King, also added that "Besides humans, so far only dolphins appear to retain their individual 'names' when it comes to forming close, long-lasting, cooperative relationships."

Leaping bottlenose dolphins.

It is really fascinating to know these incredible creatures. Thanks to our dedicated scientists and researchers we can now fully understand them and by that, we can protect these wonderful animals for future generations.

“Dolphins are social mammals, capable of enjoying their lives. They form close bonds with other members of their group.”

-      Peter Singer

Tags: Dolphins names distinct sound researchers scientists male bottlenose dolphins unique names Dr. Stephanie King