Leonardo DiCaprio, among Celebrities, Helped Petition to Free Sea Animals Captured in Whale Jail

0 Comments 04.Apr.2019 Post by: admin

Leonardo DiCaprio, among Celebrities, Helped Petition to Free Sea Animals Captured in "Whale Jail"

Leonardo DiCaprio, among Celebrities, Helped Petition to Free Sea Animals Captured in "Whale Jail"

It's unusual that celebrities have the time to help free hundreds of orcas and beluga from "whale jail". One of the high profile people who lent his name and time to free these animals from a terrible condition off the Russian coast is none other than Leonardo Di Caprio.

DiCaprio is one of the million people who have signed a petition to free the whales.

Of course, it's not just Leo. People, especially environmentalists have been campaigning to save animals and its been going for months. These animals were captured by criminal groups to sell them illegally to Chinese aquariums. More than 100 orcas and belugas are held captive in small spaces surrounded by nets in the Pacific port city of Nakhodka.

DiCaprio is one of the million people who have signed a petition to free the whales. With 18 million followers on Twitter, he shared the petition to influence them to sign.

There are numerous numbers of animals illegally captured

There are numerous numbers of animals illegally captured, including baby orcas, walrus, and belugas. Whales are dying in the freezing water.

Russia has said they will take action to free these animals.

The good news is that Russia has said they will take action to free these animals. Four of the companies involved in keeping the whales in captivity have also been charged for breaking fishing laws.

Campaigners like Greenpeace took three months and lots of work to free these animals and they will soon be enjoying their freedom.

“Know that the same spark of life that is within you, is within all of our animal friends, the desire to live is the same within all of us.”

- Raie Aren

Tags: Leonardo Di Caprio whale jail orcas whales Russian coast belugas Pacific port city of Nakhodka