A Swim to Raise Awareness about Plastic Pollution

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A Swim to Raise Awareness about Plastic Pollution

A Swim to Raise Awareness about Plastic Pollution

French Man Benoît "Ben" Lecomte attempted to swim across the Pacific Ocean, however, bad weather hindered his team to swim from the waters of Japan to San Fransisco. But that doesn't mean he is not gonna do it again. His campaign, to warn about the dangers of plastic pollution in the ocean continues.

Research effects of plastics in the ocean and raise awareness about it

Lecomte may have abandoned his goal to become the first person to swim the Pacific Ocean but reaching San Fransisco still remains his ultimate goal. Their purpose? Research effects of plastics in the ocean and raise awareness about it. 

Plastics in the Ocean

It was very disturbing for them because there was a time when he and his crew went swimming with the whales, instead, they encountered big hunks of floating plastic. Sadly, his crew collected 100 pieces of plastic every half hour each time they cast nets into the water.

Lecomte knew they had to do something, they have to save the sea life because the ocean is in peril right now.

Lecomte's journey

The researchers from 12 scientific institutions, including NASA and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution were tracking and conducting studies during Lecomte's journey. They have been focusing on eight areas of interest: plastic pollution, radiation from the Fukushima disaster and the swim's effects on Lecomte's heart and psychological state.

Raise awareness about plastic pollution

Lecomte still hopes to eventually finish his swim to San Francisco and continue to raise awareness about plastic pollution.

“Kindness can manifest as compassion, as generosity, as paying attention.”

- Sharon Salzberg

Tags: Benoît Lecomte Pacific Ocean San Fransisco Plastic Pollution Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution