A Star with a Kind Heart

0 Comments 11.Feb.2019 Post by: admin

A Star with A Kind Heart

A Star with A Kind Heart

Delilah Cassidy, a law student at Arizona State University could have missed her flight en route to Phoenix from a European trip. An agent told her she needed to pay $50 to bring her carry-on with her if not, she needed to check it in at the counter when a stranger standing behind her offered to pay the fee allowing Cassidy to board on time for her flight. 

The experience was took to Twitter

She took to Twitter and explained her whole experience and the tweet thread built itself to a climactic ending. On her final tweet, she revealed who the person was.

The mystery donor

The mystery donor who helped Cassidy pay her fee was  Arizona Cardinals tight end Jermaine Gresham. And the internet exploded.

The tweet with Cassidy and Gresham's photo together gained almost 42,000 likes and more than 5,700 retweets. Her story went viral recognizing Gresham as a kindness hero.

Gresham felt that he was raised to help others in need. This isn't the first time he has done something nice for others in need. Some comments from twitter were from other people whom he has helped. The stories of his kindness just kept coming. 

One person shared he saw Jermaine take three homeless people to eat and then buy them new clothes. A guy commented that he bought pizza for people who were at a party who drank too much. These are just some of the random act of kindness Gresham did for other people. Certainly Inspiring others through action that kindness is recognized and can become contagious. Keep up the great work Gresham! 

“No person was ever honored for what he received. Honor has been the reward for what he gave.”

- Calvin Coolidge

Tags: Jermaine Gresham Delilah Cassidy Arizona Cardinals act of kindness airport Twitter